The process to obtain a Record Suspension (pardon) involves obtaining your records and filing an application with the Parole Board of Canada. The time to acquire a Canadian Record Suspension varies with the extent of your record and the number of police and court checks we need to obtain, as well as how quickly each individual court and police agency attends to our requests.

Our company endeavours to streamline the Record Suspension application process as much as possible, and so we can generally have this application ready anywhere from six months to a year providing the process goes smoothly, and we do not experience any difficulties with the courts or local police in obtaining the record required.

The following are steps in the process:

  • Obtaining a set of fingerprints from your local police detachment or another authorized private fingerprinting service
  • Signing the required Parole Board of Canada (PBC) application
  • Obtaining a certified copy of your criminal record, which is required by the PBC to determine what local police checks and court documents will be required to successfully complete your petition
  • Depending on the jurisdiction, requiring you to attend your local police detachment in person to get the required police check, noting that each police agency has its own rules and requirements
  • Once all documents needed have been received from the various agencies, finalizing your application and petitioning the PBC on your behalf

Be aware that our timeframes to complete the application process do not include the decision-making time of the Parole Board of Canada. Officially, the process for applications with only summary offences is completed within six months of being accepted. Applications with indictable offences can take up to twelve months to be granted. Note that any application process for which a proposal to deny is issued can take up to twenty-four months to be granted.

As your representatives, we receive and manage all communications with the police, courts, and the PBC. We take care of the process on your behalf. Your employer, family members, or neighbours are not contacted.