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10 Important Facts About Impaired Driving

Impaired driving means operating a motor vehicle while your ability to drive is impaired by alcohol, drugs or a combination of both. Here’s what you need to know about one of the most common offences seen on Record Suspension applications at Pardon Services Canada.

  1. The Criminal Code of Canada (s. 249 – 261) states it is a criminal offence to operate a motor vehicle (whether in motion or not) while impaired, which includes driving with a blood alcohol content exceeding eighty milligrams of alcohol in one hundred milliliters of blood (0.08 BAC), or impairment by a drug.
  2. Impaired driving makes up to 12% of all completed adult court cases – the highest proportion among all types of offences.
  3. Impairment is not reliant upon the type of alcohol consumed, rather the number of drinks consumed over a certain period of time.Impaired driving means you had one drink or possibly three depending on the length of time, you body type and other internal and external factors.
  4. Despite common myths and misconceptions, nothing will sober you up other than time. Coffee, a cold shower and exercise do not have the ability to make a person sober.
  5. Alcohol use was a factor in almost 30% of deaths from vehicle crashes during in the last decade.
  6. Highest impaired driving rates were recorded for those aged 20 to 24.
  7. The majority (82%) of persons charged with impaired driving are male.
  8. Females now account for 1 in every 6 impaired drivers compared to 1 in 13 in 1986.
  9. You do not require a US Waiver to enter the United States if Impaired Driving/ DUI is the only offence on your criminal record.
  10. The minimum punishments for impaired driving are:

Impaired driving means a criminal record

If you’re wondering about regarding can you enter Canada with a DUI, we do our best to provide the facts.

An Impaired Driving/ DUI record may affect your life in many different ways. Whether you need to be bonded, obtain security clearance or find a new job, it may become an obstacle. Contact us for information on how to remove your criminal record.