Our Mission
We make it possible for Americans and Canadians to clear their records and legally and safely cross our borders to travel, study, immigrate, vote, volunteer, hunt, reunite with their families, and live full and free lives.
Who We Are
At AllCleared, we advocate for our clients, process their documents, and navigate complex systems to grant travel waivers and expunge, seal, or suspend records.
We formed AllCleared -- originally named 'Pardon Services Canada' -- in 1989 because we believe people should be defined by where they’re going, not where they’ve been.
Our long-standing leadership status has helped us establish invaluable and unique relationships with police agencies, the Parole Board of Canada, the Canadian Centre for Police Information (CPIC), Canadian Immigration & Citizenship (CIC), the Department of Homeland Security, and courthouses across North America.
Second chances start at AllCleared, where our advocates work together to reclaim the rights of Americans and Canadians whose mistakes earlier in life should no longer define or burden them.
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Our Team

Azmairnin Jadavji founded AllCleared (formerly Pardon Services Canada) in 1989 and has helped more than 150,000 Canadians and Americans with past criminal records regain their full rights to work, travel, vote, hunt, and live freely.
Azmairnin's relationships with police forces, courts, the Parole Board of Canada, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security have helped his organization carefully vet and process applications for travel waivers, record suspensions, temporary resident permits, criminal rehabilitation statuses, and legal immigration, with a success rate of over 98%.
Elected Mayor and decorated law enforcement officer, Chuck is a highly-respected member of the community.

