What is the Difference Between a Record Suspension and an Entry Waiver?

People who have committed crimes in another country are not allowed to enter Canada or the United States freely. For entry into the United States, you need a US Entry Waiver if you have been deemed inadmissible. To enter Canada, you must obtain an Entry Waiver also...

Do You Have Vacation Plans in the United States for Next Summer but Worry About Your Criminal Record in Canada?

You work hard, and you deserve a vacation. Travelling to the United States is a great way to take advantage of your time off, but if you have a Canadian criminal record, it’s only natural to wonder: Will I be able to enjoy my trip – let alone cross the border?...

Apply for a Record Suspension or Waiver Without a Lawyer

A criminal record can significantly impact your life. However, if you have been convicted of a crime, you may be eligible to apply for a Canadian Waiver, US waiver or Record Suspension. The goal is to allow you to move forward with your life and put the past behind...