“Success”: favorable termination of attempts; attainment; triumph; fruition – the concept, regardless of how it is defined, always produces a positive, anticipating, elating feeling.

No matter how minor or serious the circumstance may be that a troubled person is contending with, to feel a measure of success when having overcome the consequences is uplifting to say the least.

Here is a brief story of one man having become successful and happy after learning to subdue the anger he experienced when facing frustrating situations and the regained freedom he found when receiving his Canadian pardon.

While attempting to leave the relationship he was in with his then wife, a quarrel ensued regarding personal effects. As the argument escalated, he became physical. Fortunately, the incident passed with no serious harm being inflicted, other than the understandable emotional trauma. But he received a criminal record.


He removed himself from what he realized was a volatile relationship that he was not handling properly. After attending court-ordered anger management counseling as a result of the incident, his outlook on how to deal with situations changed radically. In retrospect, it was one of the best experiences that he went through. He has changed his views and now has a better perspective on life.

But he still had a criminal record. After contacting Pardon Services Canada for help removing his record, new opportunities arose. A pardon has allowed him to apply for positions for which being bondable is required giving him the chance to make more money. He can now better support his new family. Also, a pardon allowed him to visit his sister in the U.S. for the first time in many years without fear of being rejected at the border.

What may be small things to some people – the ability to be bonded or cross a border, were serious issues in this man’s life. He now has regained his freedoms with his Canadian pardon. But more importantly, he is taking full advantage of a second chance at life without a criminal record.

If you are in similar circumstances yourself, Contact Pardon Services Canada for help applying for and obtaining your canadian criminal pardon. You too can gain the peace of mind and a second shot at living a life free of a criminal record.

Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t let your past limit your future.