March 4, 2013

Preserve your Confidentiality- Apply for a Pardon

By AllCleared | 1 Min Read

Confidentiality is a critical principle of our justice system

Pardon applications (now known as Record Suspensions) are an extension of this principle. Applying for a Pardon will seal your federal criminal record and ensure that your past stays as private as you need it to be. We understand that you deserve to be judged as the person you are, and not as the person you were. One of the best ways to do this is to apply for a Pardon today.

Why Your Privacy Matters

Keeping your past private ensures that others won’t discriminate against you without knowing the full story. Without a Pardon, a potential employer could see an offence of “assault” and jump to some misleading conclusions- when in fact it could have been as innocuous as the drunken actions of two foolish youths. Rather than risk the opinions of those uneducated in the legal field; such as employers, volunteer agencies, or border guards, it is far safer to simply remove your record completely.

Our Commitment to Confidentiality

Applying for a Pardon means obtaining a great deal of sensitive documentation- much of which could be embarrassing or even damaging were it released to a third party. When you apply for a Pardon with Pardon Services Canada, we ensure that your information is kept as confidential as possible. This includes restricting all information about files to authorized individuals only, as well as ensuring the security of all physical files in our offices.

Once the Pardon is granted, your federal criminal record is completely sealed. You will still be able to access it if you wish, but it will be hidden to third parties. Lastly, to complete the destruction of your record, all documents relating to your application in our office are destroyed after a period of 30 days.

If you wish to preserve your confidentiality, and to close your past before it can be used against you, we urge you to begin the process of obtaining a Pardon.

Effect of a Record Suspension