December 10, 2020

Success Story

By AllCleared | 3 Min Read

AllCleared and Recovery Day: Celebrating Kristyn's Journey

AllCleared has been a proud sponsor of Recovery Day for many years and we are very proud of this year's Win A Free Pardon contest winner, Kristyn! She is excited to share her story and inspire others hoping to get a fresh start.

When we first spoke with Kristyn, she was in a bit of disbelief when we told her she had won. Too often, people hear, if it's too good to be true, it probably is. In this case, it was even better than expected. She, as with many people who reach out to us, made some poor choices that shouldered her with a criminal record and disqualified her from many opportunities, including her dream job. We are always disheartened to hear how past indiscretions can hinder a person's confidence when looking for a job to support themselves or their family. However, with these challenges, came many growth opportunities. From recovery to graduation, Kristyn was able to turn her life around, and is now an inspiration to others.

#ThisIsMyStory by Kristyn:

When I saw the advertisement on Recovery Day to enter a contest to win a free pardon, I was ecstatic! I thought it was a sign, that this was put in my path for a reason. I have been in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction for over a year now and have changed the way I live my life in so many ways. I have had many situations where my criminal record has caused me to miss out on opportunities or been the reason why I haven’t gotten the dream job that I have always wanted.

I recently finished school to become an Office Administrator and initially when I was job hunting, I was unable to apply for many jobs in the field because of my criminal record. Then I received a phone call from ALLCLEARED, and I was given hope. At first, I thought it was a scam, that there was no way that I had won something. I have never won a contest before and was in complete disbelief. So, I did my research and discovered that ALLCLEARED is a reputable company, and that I really did win! There are many goals that I have for my future, and now that I have the ability to be free from my past life choices, I can’t even describe how grateful I am. I have been given an amazing gift, Thank you ALLCLEARED!

We appreciate everyone's participation in our yearly giveaway in partnership with Recovery Day, Canada's largest mental health and addiction recovery event. We receive thousands of entries in our contest every year and we are grateful to everyone who has put their name forward in hope of getting a fresh start.

As the first and longest running pardon company in Canada, we understand our clients how their criminal record can present lifetime barriers to obtaining jobs, housing, and education, and put other opportunities out of reach. If you, your family, friends, neighbours or anyone else in your life may benefit from a pardon, or would like to inspire others by sharing their story, contact us today.