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Canadian passports: Are you eligible with a criminal record?

Canadian passports are generally available to most citizens with a criminal record. You could be barred from having one if you committed passport fraud. As well, you may not be able to obtain a passport if you have been charged with a serious crime, but not convicted. You may have to wait until your trial and/or sentence is complete.

In many cases you will not be able to travel to the United States on a passport alone. Many types of criminal records require a US Entry Waiver. One notable exception is a single drinking and driving offence.

Nevertheless, a Canadian passport is useful as:

Canadian passports and travel

Travelling to countries other than the United States is often possible with a criminal record. Sometimes people are able to enter foreign countries because the country has no access to their record. The country may do a more thorough investigation into your background if you are applying for a work or student visa. You should apply for a Canadian pardon (Record Suspension), which will seal your record, if you plan to spend a lot of time abroad. The local consulate may be able to tell you if you are eligible to enter.

Sometimes entry will be decided on a case by case basis. In this case, a pardon or Record Suspension can definitely help your case. In most cases, countries never ask about criminal records. If they do, it’s never a good idea to lie. They may be asking because they already know about it. The situation is different when visiting the United States. The U.S. has information sharing agreements with Canada. Once they scan your passport, they will have access to your record.

If you would like to put your past behind you and travel without worry, contact us about Canadian Record Suspensions and US Waivers at 1-866-972-7366.