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Faster Record Suspension processing: Five Tips

Faster Record Suspension processing is not always possible. When you apply for a Record Suspension (pardon), you will need to wait on several different offices in order to obtain your records. These include the RCMP, local police departments and courthouses. Then, once you have compiled your application, you need to wait six to 12 months for the Parole Board of Canada to approve your application depending on the seriousness of your record.

It’s important to have reasonable expectations. If you have a job interview lined up today, it is too late to get your Record Suspension in time. Your Record Suspension application will assist you with future opportunities one or two years down the road, not with your situation today.

That said, a few tips can assist you with getting a pardon faster.

Tips for faster Record Suspension processing

  1. Stay organized: When you have to do things that are unpleasant like writing a statement about your past mistakes, getting fingerprints, and filling out forms, it can be easy to procrastinate. If you are doing your own application, schedule your appointments, phone calls and other tasks so that you can complete them on a reasonable schedule. Otherwise, your process can stretch out for years.
  2. If you are working with AllCleared we will obtain most of your documents for you which results in faster Record Suspension processing. You will need to get your fingerprints taken and write your Measurable Benefit statement, but we will give you clear instructions and reminders.

  3. Follow up: Another problem that a lot of people face is that courthouses or other agencies don’t respond to their requests in a reasonable amount of time. Often people can’t remember when they made their request. Sometimes they don’t have time to make follow up calls because they are working in a remote location or aren’t available during business hours. Some courthouses are small and have limited hours.
  4. With AllCleared, we will keep track of all your document requests and follow up on your behalf. AllCleared is also the only company that can give you average processing times for the courthouses we need to contact. This is because we have exclusive file tracking software and have been in business long enough to have worked with almost every courthouse multiple times.

    The data we have collected helps you because we know the slowest courthouses in Canada and can be more proactive about making sure your documents arrive in a reasonable time. We can also give you a better timeframe for how long it will take to process your application.

    AllCleared also helps by following up with provincial chief justices with data about persistent problems. AllCleared is dedicated to tackling administrative delays on behalf of all Canadians with criminal records who want better access to service.

  5. Make sure your application is complete: About 25 per cent of applications for Record Suspensions are not accepted by the Parole Board because of missing or incomplete information. If you are completing the application on your own, be sure not to skip any steps and enclose the government fee of $631. Otherwise, errors can add months to your application or cause it to be denied.
  6. If you are working with AllCleared, we guarantee that your application will be accepted as complete for filing.

  7. Respond to requests for information: Occasionally, the Parole Board of Canada will request more information from you after receiving your application. Make sure you keep your contact information up to date and respond promptly to any requests.
  8. Work with AllCleared: AllCleared is the only company that works with a police department to obtain court and police checks. We do not need your official criminal record to obtain this information. This means that you can save up to four months based on time frames stated on the RCMP website. Other companies will not process your information requests until they receive your criminal record, which means that after signing up and having your fingerprints taken, you’ll be stuck in waiting mode for up to four months. With AllCleared, the processing continues and you can be ready to file by the time your official record comes back from the RCMP.

While a few months may not seem like a big timesaver, it’s important to remember that opportunities can come up at any time. In those extra four months you could be offered a job, a travel opportunity or a chance to enter a business partnership. Don’t spend an extra four months thinking about what might have been. Get faster Record Suspension processing with AllCleared.

What is a Record Suspension?

A Record Suspension is a government process that seals a criminal record in the national database. This allows the person to apply for jobs and other opportunities without worrying about background checks in most cases. The reason the government offers this service is to acknowledge that the person is now of good conduct and that the prior offence or offences should no longer reflect on their character. Record Suspensions are granted by the Parole Board of Canada.

The limitations of the Record Suspension are:

How long does it take to get a pardon in Canada?

Once you submit your pardon (Record Suspension) application to the Parole Board of Canada, it will take up to six or 12 months to receive your pardon. The timeframe depends on the seriousness of your conviction:

Summary: six months

Indictable: 12 months

However, before you can submit your conviction, there are many steps you must complete.

Certified criminal record check: Up to four months

Court documents: Three weeks to four months depending on the courthouse

Local police checks: Three days to four weeks

If you have lived in many places or have multiple convictions, it can take a longer to get your pardon. Depending on your situation it can take eight months to two years to get your pardon.

How much does it cost to get a pardon in Canada?

When you submit your application to the Canadian government, there is a fee of $631.

Before you get to that stage, you may need to pay for a few other documents:

Fingerprints and Certified Criminal Record: Approximately $75

Court documents: Approximately $60

Local Police Checks: Approximately $75

If you want to do it on your own, you should plan to save up at least $900 to be safe. You may need more depending on how many places you have lived and whether you have multiple convictions, requiring multiple court document requests.

If you want to hire AllCleared to assist you, check out our service levels and our payment plans.

Can you get a pardon for a DUI?

Yes, a DUI in Canada is a criminal offence, so you can get a pardon (Record Suspension). A DUI is a hybrid offence. This means that it could be tried as summary or indictable.

If it was tried as summary, there is a waiting period of five years from the end of the sentence. If it is indictable, you need to wait 10 years. In this case, the sentence does not include licence suspension, so if you had a one-year driving ban, and you paid your fine right away, the waiting period will begin once you paid your fine, not from the date the licence suspension ended.

Keep in mind that DUI is also a provincial offence. You cannot get a pardon for provincial records. However, they may fall off your drivers abstract eventually depending on your province. As well, a pardon will not allow you to get your licence back if it has been suspended.

A DUI will cause an employment background check to come back “not clear.” The employer will not necessarily know that you were charged with a DUI unless you tell them or they ask you to get your official RCMP criminal record, which can take up to four months. To avoid losing out on employment opportunities, you should clear your DUI record as soon as you are eligible.

If you have any questions about the Record Suspension process or would like to get started, contact our client advisors for a free consultation at 1-866-972-7366.