August 16, 2017

Study permit: How to apply to learn in Canada

By AllCleared | 2 Min Read

Step #1: Get accepted

If you are interested in studying in Canada, you should start with researching the school and program you wish to attend. You will need an acceptance offer before you can apply. Visit the websites of individual schools and view their programs. Find out if you have the necessary prerequisites. Check out the fees. Most schools will have a higher fee for international students because they cannot get a government subsidy for these students. School websites will usually have a page for international students that will provide more information.

If you decide to take a program that lasts less than six months, you will not need a study permit.

Step #2: Apply using the online or paper application form

As soon as you receive your acceptance letter, you should begin your application.

In order to apply online, you will need to scan your documents, such as your acceptance letter. If you do not have access to a scanner or there is poor Internet service where you live, you can apply by paper, but keep in mind that this will take longer. If you need a visa, it will be processed at the same time automatically.

Other documents will be required, such as:

  • Photographs
  • Fingerprints
  • Criminal Record Check
  • Medical exam
  • Proof of funds for living expenses and transportation
  • Valid passport

If you plan to bring a spouse and/or dependent children to Canada with you, you will list them on the application. You will need to have documentation, such as a marriage licence and proof that you have the financial resources to support them.

Step #3: Get your study permit at the border

Arrive at the border with your visa, acceptance letter, proof of finances, and other documents. The border officials will give you your study permit.

How do you prove that you can afford to study in Canada?

For a single person, you must have the amount of your tuition and at least $10,000 for living expenses. This can be proven in the form of bank statements, letters from people that will be supporting you, or loan statements.

If you are bringing family members, you will need additional funds.

Studying in Canada can be an exciting experience. You will have an opportunity to meet new friends, gain a respected degree or diploma and visit exciting and beautiful places. Start early on your application to ensure a smooth journey.