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The 2 best ways for American flight industry workers to remove the ban on travel to Canada because of their record.

It may be hard to imagine that the DUI from way back when would hamper your ability to score your dream job, but it’s true. A DUI, even if it was over 10 years ago, can stop you from traveling across the border. That means for all you soon-to-be American pilots or American flight attendants, there is no way you will be flying anything other than the domestic route until you are deemed rehabilitated unless you apply for an urgent Temporary Resident Permit (TRP).

The Canadian Government deems anyone with a criminal record inadmissible to enter into Canada. This puts a lot of pressure on American pilots and flight attendants who are looking to extend their flight boundaries and flight hours. And we know, domestic flight routes just don’t have the same allure as international routes.

Don’t despair, as with every problem, there is a solution. Since 1989, AllCleared has been helping individuals with past criminal records, start fresh.  This means we have the knowledge to help you move forward in your life whether that be through employment travel into or through Canada, or for a personal vacation.

We offer what is called a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) for those of you looking to become admissible into Canada for a temporary amount of time. A TRP can be issued for up to three years with multiple entries allowed. A TRP is a short-term solution and you can renew a TRP, but it must be in Canada.

A TRP is one solution if you are inadmissible to Canada, but if you want to make repeat visits to the country, a permanent option is Criminal Rehabilitation. This application can be made five years after the completion of your sentence, and once you are approved, you will have more freedom to visit Canada. The application takes a bit longer than a TRP, but if you are eligible, it’s a good option.

It’s important to note, you can apply for an urgent TRP, while you await your Criminal Rehabilitation application. This can get you into the country in as little as 4-6 weeks if you are working for an American airline and looking to travel into Canada so that you can move forward with your employment opportunities.

To further understand your options, contact us today and find out your best solution to get into Canada quicker than you would with any other company. It’s time for you to remove the ban on travel to Canada because of your record.