August 8, 2022

Entering Canada for Year-End Holidays With a Criminal Record

By AllCleared | 3 Min Read

Do you wish to enter Canada this coming holiday season but are afraid that your criminal record might get you turned away at the border? Here’s what you need to know:

Can I Enter Canada for Year-End Holidays In 2022 With a Criminal Record?

Provided you haven’t applied well in advance for Criminal Rehabilitation or a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP), the chances that you can enter Canada this holiday season are slim and limited to certain circumstances.

The only available option to enter Canada this holiday season would be through an Urgent Temporary Resident Permit. However, this emergency option is subject to a high denial rate. Humanitarian and business reasons are generally more compelling compared to wanting to enter Canada for leisure, which is not considered urgent. It may take up to 2-6 months to gather the necessary documents depending on a case-by-case basis. Once your documents have been gathered, you would take your application directly to the border. Your application would be reviewed and decided at the discretion of the border officer.

Criminal Rehabilitation Application

You may be eligible for a Criminal Rehabilitation if 5 years has passed since your sentence has ended including probation and all fines in relation to the charges. On average, the entire process for Criminal Rehabilitation takes 12-18 months, but you would be granted lifetime entry into Canada once approved.

Now is the perfect time for planning ahead to enter Canada for year-end holidays in 2023.

Temporary Resident Application to Enter Canada for Year-End Holidays In 2023

A Temporary Resident Permit is a temporary waiver option for individuals who do not qualify for criminal rehabilitation. This waiver allows entry into Canada for a set period granted by the consulate for up to 3 years. A Temporary Resident Permit, unlike an Urgent Temporary Resident Permit, has higher chances of being approved. Although it is a lengthier process, the authorities have more time to consider all the factors and review the application.

Unfortunately, if you were denied border entry already, you won’t be able to enter Canada in 2022. There isn’t enough time to procure the necessary documentation. It takes at least 5-6 months to compile a Temporary Resident Permit application before it is mailed to the consulate to be reviewed. In addition, the consulate may take up to 6 months to review the application. However, a TRP is an ideal option if you are not eligible for criminal rehabilitation but wish to enter Canada at the end of 2023.

Deemed Rehabilitation

If you were convicted of an offence that would be punishable by a maximum term of fewer than ten years under Canadian law, you could be considered Deemed Rehabilitated. Deemed rehabilitation does however require a ten-year waiting period from when your offence was committed.

Provided you’re eligible for Deemed Rehabilitation, you would not need to apply for Criminal Rehabilitation. Deemed rehabilitation is around 6 months faster compared to Criminal Rehabilitation. Still, it’s best to reach out to a Pardon Service advisor to determine your eligibility.

Do you wish to travel to Canada with a criminal record?

Start by checking your eligibility.

Check my eligibility | Learn what we can do for you

It is always best to get your situation assessed by a professional.

Contact us today for a free consultation at 1-866-972-7366.